Indispensable Links
This section is as much for our quick reference as yours. Below are the sites we visit the most. If you find a site that you feel is also indispensable, let us know!
Goat Health Info That We Recommend
A rational overview of internal parasites and dewormers:
Goat Worm Myths and Misunderstandings
Goat Equipment
Nigerian Dwarf Measuring Sticks
Official NDGA Measuring Stick
(Pregnancy test kits)
Nigerian Dwarf Associations
American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA)
(Registry, Linear Appraisal, Milk Testing, Official Shows, Convention)
American Goat Society (AGS)
(Registry, Linear Appraisal, Milk Testing, Official Shows, Convention)
Nigerian Dwarf Goat Association (NDGA)
(Registry, Linear Appraisal, Milk Testing, Official Shows, Convention)
Canadian Goat Society (CGS)
(Registry, Linear Appraisal, Milk Testing, Official Shows, Convention)
Nigerian Dwarf Society
(A breeder's club dedicated to education, promotion and improvement of Nigerian Dwarves.)
Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats
(A general discussion site)
Making Cheese, Yogurt Soap and More!
New England Cheesemaking Supply
(be sure to sign up for their excellent electronic "MoosLetter")
Medieval Cheese Forum
Ponte Verde Soap Shoppe Inc.
(recipes and supplies)
Snowdrift Farm Soap
(recipes only, they no longer sell supplies)
Several Methods to Make Goat's Milk Soap
MonkeyBoy: Making Goat's Milk Soap
Grow your own fodder!
Sprouted grains are a great supplement for goats and chickens - replaces part of your feed bill, as one lb of grain will grow into 5 lbs of highly digestible sprouts. May not be cost-effective in areas where hay and grain are very cheap, but here in Southern CA it's well worth it.
Half-Pint Homestead
(fodder kits and more, including very affordable PVC milk stand kits and planters - some great instructional videos here!)
Fodder Feed
(more affordable fodder kits and tons of info!)
Goat Health Info That We Recommend
A rational overview of internal parasites and dewormers:
Goat Worm Myths and Misunderstandings
Goat Equipment
Nigerian Dwarf Measuring Sticks
Official NDGA Measuring Stick
(Pregnancy test kits)
Nigerian Dwarf Associations
American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA)
(Registry, Linear Appraisal, Milk Testing, Official Shows, Convention)
American Goat Society (AGS)
(Registry, Linear Appraisal, Milk Testing, Official Shows, Convention)
Nigerian Dwarf Goat Association (NDGA)
(Registry, Linear Appraisal, Milk Testing, Official Shows, Convention)
Canadian Goat Society (CGS)
(Registry, Linear Appraisal, Milk Testing, Official Shows, Convention)
Nigerian Dwarf Society
(A breeder's club dedicated to education, promotion and improvement of Nigerian Dwarves.)
Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats
(A general discussion site)
Making Cheese, Yogurt Soap and More!
New England Cheesemaking Supply
(be sure to sign up for their excellent electronic "MoosLetter")
Medieval Cheese Forum
Ponte Verde Soap Shoppe Inc.
(recipes and supplies)
Snowdrift Farm Soap
(recipes only, they no longer sell supplies)
Several Methods to Make Goat's Milk Soap
MonkeyBoy: Making Goat's Milk Soap
Grow your own fodder!
Sprouted grains are a great supplement for goats and chickens - replaces part of your feed bill, as one lb of grain will grow into 5 lbs of highly digestible sprouts. May not be cost-effective in areas where hay and grain are very cheap, but here in Southern CA it's well worth it.
Half-Pint Homestead
(fodder kits and more, including very affordable PVC milk stand kits and planters - some great instructional videos here!)
Fodder Feed
(more affordable fodder kits and tons of info!)