Julianas are a true miniature pig, but they are NOT teacup pigs, they're just born that small. They will normally grow to 13-18" at the shoulder and will weigh in at 40 - 100 lb. Do not believe sites that talk about teacups or 20-lb pigs. While we've had an occasional outlier that matures under 40 lbs, the largest we ever raised was 125lbs - both are outliers.
In comparison, the average Potbelly pig, will mature at 120 - 250 lb, or Kune Kunes which range from 150 - 300lb.
A standard Yorkshire pig matures at 450-800lb, making all of the above true miniatures!
Our pigs are all registered through the Juliana Pig Association and Registry (JPAR).
The JPAR is dedicated to ensuring the quality and breed standards of this wonderful miniature breed! There is a wealth of information on their site for you.
In comparison, the average Potbelly pig, will mature at 120 - 250 lb, or Kune Kunes which range from 150 - 300lb.
A standard Yorkshire pig matures at 450-800lb, making all of the above true miniatures!
Our pigs are all registered through the Juliana Pig Association and Registry (JPAR).
The JPAR is dedicated to ensuring the quality and breed standards of this wonderful miniature breed! There is a wealth of information on their site for you.
(photo above of a Mythos Farm Juliana piglet, taken by her new owner, Lindsey White)